WARNING: this post has a kajillion pictures! In my effort to finish up the Disney trip, it's turned into a lot of pictures.
We are now up to Day 5 and we headed to Hollywood Studios. I was really looking forward to going here because I enjoyed it so much when we came on our honeymoon 12 years ago!
Tucker posed with coke delivery man...
Our first stop was the Tower of Terror...
We then headed over to Toy Story Mania and got FastPasses to come back later...like 6 pm! (Keep in mind it was only 9 am!!!)
We went on the Studio Back Lot Tour and enjoyed checking everything out, including props, etc. Michael and Tucker had to pose in front of the Star Wars stuff.
Here comes Michael...
Posing with the giant ant...
They continued on and one of Tucker's favorites was the Indiana Jones' Show---he especially liked the explosions!
We had reservations for "dinner" at 3:30 at Mama Melrose's (including the Fantasmic show preferred seating)so they ate and then came back to hotel, figuring they would go back at 6 for Toy Mania. Michael took one look at me and thought I should be seen and find out was going on. By this point I had really bad stomach cramps and was shivering. He contacted the front desk and I went by van to a walk-in clinic where they couldn't decide if I had a GI bleed, a bowel obstruction , gastroenterititis or simply my IBS. (I'm sparing you all the TMI details...you're welcome). So I went from the walk-in clinic to the ER by ambulance and as the EMTs are worrying about my blood pressure (it was 161/100), I was wondering if I had cut my toenails since they were right in front of this 20-something face!
I arrived at the ER with a temp of 103 and my blood pressure had come down to 141/100 so they attached some monitors and left me in the hall. That was at 6:30. they didn't come along and put an IV in until around 8:30, and the doctor finally saw me and order a CT scan and blood work. The blood work happened right away, the CT scan didn't happen until 12:30 AM!! During this time I was on the phone with Michael, my mom, and Julie to keep them all updated. Julie was on "stand-by" if for some reason we needed to have her come get Tucker if Michael needed to be with me at the hospital. After they did the CT scan and I had a minor meltdown, I was finally free to at 2:30 am. I ended up having gastroenteritis and a flare-up of my IBS...not fun!
It turned out that Tucker and Michael didn't end up going back for Toy Story Mania and Fantasmic and just hung out at the hotel. I slept in and they headed to Hollywood Studios to be the first in line for Toy Story Mania, which they were!
I met them for lunch at Planet Hollywood and was actually able to eat a little bit!
Julie and family came over to spend some time with us before we left...
We came home every day to find creative towel creatures done by the housekeeper!
We can't wait til you come back!
Great pics! Looks like a great trip (except for that side trip to the ER).
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