This week's theme is SUMMER OUTINGS.
The beach is always a favorite-Tucker was 2 in this picture (check out the red curls; he didn't have them much longer after this!)

The summer of 2005- Julie came from FL to visit. At our Dinosaur Park down the street. L-R Tucker (3), Madi (7), Jake (2), and Jonathan (10).

The summer of 2007-another day at our dinosaur park (they had added a splash pad!)

The summer of 2007-we took him to Six Flags. We had Brunch with Bugs and had our picture taken with him!

That was four years ago?! Time flies! I love Tucker's red curls...Jakes's too.
I know...scary, isn't it!
wow!... dinosaurs... my son would love to see these someday! dont forget to write your name and your URL at my site so other moms can visit you too!
thanks for joining us again today!
oh my kids would love that Dinosaur Park
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