Friday, March 13, 2009

Mommy Moments Friday

This week's theme is SLEEPING TIME and since you know I am all about themes, I have to play along! To join in or see other Mommy Moments, click here.

This has always been one of my favorites-he was about a month old and I couldn't keep his feet covered to save my life! He still likes to have his feet out!

Again taken when he was about a month old-he used to sleep through the diaper changes!

The first of the two bouncers he wore out-this was taken on Father's Day; he slept through the entire day! He was about 2 1/2 months old.

Here he is about 18 months old-he fell asleep in his tent with Barney, his ever-constant companion at the time!

This is obviously more recent! This was about 2 years ago; he slept over my mom's.


Tiffany said...

Sweet pictures! Thanks for sharing.

Mari said...

He looks cute sleeping - no matter how old he is!

Aliceson said...

sleeping children are precious!

Chris said...

wow! nice pics you got.. he is so adorable! looks like an angel...

by the way, dont forget to go to my site and put your name and your URL on the Mr. Linky box so others can drop by here too :D

Lan said...

they're cutie and adorable photos. Here's mine

JonaBQ said...

looks like he's really enjoying dreamland on those pics :)
my entry's up too!