Monday, December 22, 2008

Simple Woman's Daybook

For today, Monday December 22, 2008

Outside my window...despite the snow turning over to rain yesterday afternoon, we still have at least 6 inches of white stuff out there. It is sunny and windy and just downright bitterly C.O.L.D.

I am thinking...I am in denial that it is really Christmas in 3 days!

I am thankful for...finding my "livestrong" bracelet. One of Michael's co-workers gave them to us after my dad died and I haven't taken it off for 4 years. I noticed in the shower Friday that it wasn't on and thought for sure it had broke and was gone. When I went to fold some laundry, it was sitting on top of the laundry basket.

From the kitchen...chicken and veggies from the crockpot last night. Tucker and I will be making cookies this week. Probably appetizer-type things for Christmas Eve because Michael works until 7. I'm making Christmas dinner.

I am creating...putting the final touches on the gifts for our moms...Christmas crafts with Tucker.

I am wearing...jeans and a blue/green striped shirt.

I am reading...I read the entire Mel Thomas book in two days. Finished "A" is for Alibi last night and started "B" is for Burglar and Rainbow Valley (the next book in the Anne of Green Gables series). With Tucker we are reading Christmas picture books and still reading Santa Claus Doesn't Mop Floors.

I am hoping...that everything gets done in time (it always does somehow!)

I am hearing...the weatherman tell me how cold it is all over the state and the fishtanks gurgling.

Around the house...laundry needs to be folded...actually, not really messy over all.

One of my favorite things...driving around to look at the Christmas lights.

A few plans for the rest of the week...wrapping Tucker's presents (got everyone else's done), cleaning, cleaning...helping make gingerbread house at Tucker's school in about an hour (postponed from Friday because of the snow)...back to Target to get gift cards for our nephew and nieces (I swear I've been there everyday for the past week; I was determined that today's run would be my last!)...CHRISTMAS!!!!! mom, m-i-l, s-l-l, and niece always join us Christmas day...getting together at my m-i-l's for Christmas on Sat with Michael's sister and her family.

A picture thought...
Tucker's friend William stayed over Saturday night (they informally alternate weekends) and I took them to Chuck E. Cheese's. They had a great time and I always love William's smile!

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