For today, Monday February 16, 2009 (Presidents Day)
Outside my window...it is sunny but cold.
I am thinking...I would like to take a nap this afternoon like I did yesterday
I am thankful for...my family
From the kitchen...tacos tonight, chicken pot pie, a new chicken recipe from Sandra and a meatloaf later in the week (nope haven't made it yet...keep forgetting to buy potatoes!) Tucker and I are going to make Pillsbury Valentine cookies today because we forgot to on Saturday!
I am creating...Tucker and I made the Valentine crafts for his grandmothers, Aunt Doreen, and cousin Cassandra.
I am wearing...gray sweats and a long-sleeve black shirt
I am reading...finished The Boleyn Inheritance and started Les Miserables
for the Classics Carnival at 5 Minutes for Books. I am having a really hard time with it, it is very slow reading and I'm not sure I'm understanding it. I have put it aside for now as I don't want to view reading as torture! I have started The Wives of Henry VIII, which is a non-ficiton book by Antonia Fraser, to go along with my latest obsession with Henry VIII's court. With Tucker we read books about Abraham Lincoln (did you know that he used to keep all his important papers in his hat because he was always losing everything?), and easy reader books about Valentines. Check out my blog tomorrow as I join in the Kid's Picks Carnival for the first time.
I am hoping...to find a job soon.
I am hearing... Tucker laughing at Rachael Ray and a scientist do experiments on her show, Michael using the vacuum in the garage, and the fishtanks gurgling.
Around the house...laundry needs to be folded...dishes are being cleaned in the dishwasher...I'm pleading the 5th on the status of the rest of the house.
One of my favorite things...Tucker's "new" way of singing, opera-style! In fact, last week, as I left his school after the Valentine's party, his class had gone to music and I walked by and had to look in because I thought I heard him and sure enough, he was singing opera-style! Very funny!
A few plans for the week...a childrens museum tomorrow with one of Tucker's friends and his family...writing out the invitations for Tucker's birthday party next month...Cub Scout Pack meeting Thursday-the Shriners are coming to collect the soda tabs and we're having an ice cream party...working on the PTO fundraiser.
A picture thought

This is from the Providence Children's Museum, Tucker and I went a few weekends ago. I have more pictures to post from that day. He always enjoys the water table at any Children's Museum and we usually spend most of the day there!
Oh, give Les Miserable another try! I started it years ago, was 3/4 into the 1000-some page unabridged version and was loving it, and then misplaced the book and never got to finish it! (But I've seen the play, so I know what happens.) I was in med. school at the time, so by the time I got around to replacing it, I felt like I'd have to start over or I'd be too confused and couldn't bring myself to reread all those pages. But, enough time has gone by, and I do plan to read it again and I hope this is the year!
I think I definitely will but maybe without the "pressure" of finishing it for the Classics Carnival in March. Thanks for the support! :)
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