This month's pile of books are for the Take A Chance Challenge!
-Love Is Eternal by Irving Stone (my current read)
-White Ghost Girls by Alice Greenway
-Weaver's Daughter by Kimberley Brubaker Bradley
These are Tucker's books:
-Charlie and the Chocolate Factory by Roald Dahl (his current read)
-Don't Let the Peas Touch! and Other Stories by Deborah Blumenthal
-Chicken Cheeks by Michael Ian Black and Kevin Hawkes
-Cowboy and Octopus by Jon Scieszka and Lane Smith
-Cat Power! by Daniel Kirk
-Cranberry Summer by Wende and Harry Devlin
-In 1776 by Jean Marzollo
-O, Say Can You See? America's Symbols, Landmarks, and Inspiring Words by Sheila Keenan
(Obviously I'm gearing up for the Fourth of July!!!)
That's quite a reading list your son has there! Good for him!
Sounds great! I read "Little Giant of Aberdeen County" and really enjoyed it. Great story. I think I'm going to do the reading challenge but haven't started yet. I was trying to finish what was on my nightstand first.
I really enjoyed reading Charlie and the Chocolate Factory with my son-- such a unique author Dahl was!
Love to see kids who love to read! Thanks for sharing!
Love reading your boy's silly book list.
I haven't heard of the ones you are reading.
I'm not familiar with the books on your list. Love your son's list!! I hope he will always be a reader.
I saw the Take A Chance challenge but knew I had so much to read already I would never get it done. Hope it is fun - the books you ended up withsound good!
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