*I've gotten bored with the layout for the Simple Woman's Daybook but I do like the idea of doing it and getting my thoughts organized for the week so I will be experimenting with some new headings interspersed with the old until I find some that work for me...
For today... Monday August 10, 2009
Outside the window...it is dark...hot and humid today and I think we're under a thunderstorm warning.
On my mind...my uncle Joe who had surgery for a detached retinathis morning. He has an interesting-looking contraption called a "desktop portal" that he has to rest his face on for a whole week. This is what it looks like

After my mother and I stopped laughing, we put the instructional video in so we could laugh some more! Seriously, who comes up with this stuff-how do they expect people to actually function and heal?!? Let's just say that so far, it is not going well...my uncle is not very cooperative on a good day, shall we say?, and he is really not cooperating at all. My mom had planned on staying with him but it's ended up being more frustrating for her than anything else.
What we're reading...I ended up reading The Almost Moon by Alice Siebold while in NYC mostly because it fit into my bag for the 45 min. train ride in and out of New York; I really liked it! I just couldn't get into The Physick Book of Deliverance Dane and returned it to the library. Right now I'm reading The Guardian by Nicholas Sparks and just cannot put it down! I finished listening to The Ivy Chronicles and am now listening Bridge to Terabithia. With Tucker, we read Curious George and the Big City, Tadpole Rex, Arnie and the Skateboard Gang, Possum Stew, and Skippyjon Jones and the Big Bones and we listened to Henry and Mudge and the Starry Night, Henry and Mudge in Puddle Trouble and Season of the Sandstorms (a Magic Treehouse book). We are currently reading The Cricket In Times Square.
I am hoping...to get the NYC to post on the blog! I've actually written all four days out but cannot get the pictures to load---so frustrating!
A funny thing...Tucker and I have discovered ICarly on Nickelodeon and spent most of Sunday afternoon watching a marathon!
In the Kitchen...Tucker and I ate at Burger King tonight while running errands...tacos, BLTs, and possibly spaghetti this week. I'm also thinking of making brownies after reading Julie's blog-LOL
What I'm hearing...the dryer...Two and a Half Men on TV
Around the House...laundry in the dryer and more needs to be done...pretty neat, if I do say so.
Coming Up This Week...Tucker will be going to the Dinosaur SplashPad with his friend Isaiah on Thursday...2 home visits...Tucker's friend Andrew is coming over Saturday...a baby shower on Sunday.
Some Picture Thoughts
We went to Lake Compounce on our way home from New York. Michael and Tucker took a fun turn on the Twister
On Friday, we went to the Dinosaur Splashpad with Tucker's friend Andrew. I liked this picture of them walking through the sprinklers.
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