Oh my goodness! If you have not yet seen this movie with Meryl Streep, etc, YOU NEED TO! My mom and I had a night out together, going for grinders and to the movies. We had an absolute BLAST! The movie was great, the dance numbers were amazing, the scenery was BREATHTAKING! (It takes place on an island off the coast of Greece, I don't know if that's where they actually shot it but where ever they were, it was BEAUTIFUL!) And yes, I did listen to my ABBA CD on the way home!!! (I added some of my favorites to the playlist).
In other "news", we did get Michael's new truck today and Tucker finished summer school. Both of which I plan to blog about but I want to get some pictures of the new truck to post. Also I am just plain exhausted and need to go to bed...
Thursday, July 31, 2008
Monday, July 28, 2008
The Way It Went, It Went Well
Okay, I'm going to try this again tonight! We had some weird message-thing popping up last night which totally messed up anything I was attempting to do! Michael has hopefully fixed it...I also went upstairs with Tucker to put him to bed and fell asleep with him!!
The title of this post was inspired by one of my patients who said it and I just liked it. Apparently her father used to say it all the time. It definitely sums up the week, which forgive me, I am behind in blogging! I'm trying not to stress myself out with this whole blogging-thing but I just don't always get the opportunity to sit and blog every day! (or even every other day!) So once again this week, we will play "catch-up"!!!
First, as promised, I have part II of the Banzai waterslide pictures:

Last Thursday, Michael picked up Tucker from summer school and then picked up his friend William. William is another friend from daycare but was also in Tucker's kindergarten class this year. They went out for lunch and then spent the day at Kid City in Middletown. Which if you haven't been or don't know about it and you have kids, you definitely need to go! They renovated two old houses into this great place that includes a pirate ship, a diner, a post office, a "theater" (where they can dress-up and put on shows, and watch themselves on TV), an apple field, an igloo, etc. etc. Tucker loves it and since we belong to the Children's Museum here in Niantic, we get in FREE to other children's museums so we don't mind going often! For those of you with young kids, like under 3, they have a great play area for them, too! It's all decorated like under-the sea. Here's some pictures of Tucker and William:

After dropping William off at home, Michael and Tucker came to pick me up at work so I could go with them to bring Tucker to my mom's. (Angela, our daycare lady, had taken Thurs and Fri off; Michael watched him Thursday on his day off and my mom was going to watch him Friday). So we brought him to Gra and I would be picking him up on Saturday morning. As usual, they had a great time, I'm told, going to my mom's work and talking with all the ladies. Tucker was apparently impressed with the amount of paper on her desk: "She has more paper than in the history of the world" is what he told me. They also went to the bank where Gra has opened a savings account for him; she gives him a few dollars to deposit and he's so proud to show off the savings book!
Since my mom had Tucker it was the perfect opportunity to get together with Betty and Charlotte, 2 ladies I worked with in Mystic (I've now been gone from there 5 1/2 years). We get together 4 times a year and go out to dinner and the Christmas Tree Shop--well technically 3 times a year because in December we plan it around the Luminaries at Mystic Shopping Village. So anyway, we've been getting together these past 5 1/2 years and for about a year or so before I left that job. It's a lot of fun to catch up with them and just get out for the evening!
Saturday I went and picked up Tucker at my mom's, floated around the pool for about a hour or so (mandatory in this heat!) and then to McDonald's for lunch. Of course it had to be the one with the play area! From there we headed to the mall for a couple of hours. First because it was COOL there and second, because I still need to find a dress AND shoes to wear to the wedding we're going to on August 9th. Other than being really good at procastinating, I'm not sure why I have waited so long. I think I was hoping to lose 20 lbs before I had to try on dresses, which of course, didn't happen. I also think I work well under pressure. I also don't want to spend a lot on a dress that I may not wear again but then again, desperation may set in at this point.
On Sunday, Tucker woke up at 7:30 (yeah, sleep-in time for Mommy and Daddy!) ready to paint. He had found an egg carton in his craft stuff Saturday night and must have been dreaming about it because that's what he wanted to paint and he even knew what colors he wanted to use: blue, red, purple, and black. So I set him up and crawled back into bed for a few more minutes. After grocery shopping and lunch we headed out to Buttonwood Farm in Griswold for their annual Sunflower Festival. When we left our house it was sprinkling and on our way to Griswold, about a thirty minute drive, over by Foxwoods, we went through a complete thunderstorm, with blinding rain, thunder and lightning. It had slowed down when we got there and we got ice cream to enjoy while we waited for them to start the tractor rides. They have this festival every year to raise money for the Make-A-Wish foundation and they have FIELDS of Sunflowers that they sell for $10/bouquet. This is the field across the street from the ice cream stand

I apparently REALLY enjoyed my ice cream because I had it all over the front of my shirt and when I went to the car to get the hand sanitizer to wash it off my hands, I noticed the streaks of it on my legs! Tucker and I also wandered one of the sunflower fields where I took this next picture (he really is happy to be there-he was just not in a picture-kind-of-mood, I guess!)

Finally they decided to start the tractor rides, even though it was sprinkling a little. The guy driving the tractor held an umbrella as he drove. He took us up in the back fields where we saw some cows and the new calves. The cows thought our wagon was a buffet, though:

The cows were all pushing each other to get at this particular back corner of the wagon!
Eventually we came out into the field of sunflowers and it was kind of surreal--they were so beautiful!! Tucker wouldn't cooperate so I had to settle for just the sunflowers! Lastly we went across the street into the field in the first picture. Only after we walked up the hill, across the back of the sunflowers and back down, did Michael see the sign that said: "Please Do Not Enter This Field. Thank you."
OOPS!! Oh well we had fun and will definitely go back for more ice cream, their fall hayrides, and the sunflowers next year! Some more pictures to enjoy:

So that pretty much sums up the past week! A preview of upcoming events include going to see "Mama Mia" with my mom Thursday, getting Michael's new truck hopefully by the end of the week (I'll explain when we get it), and my mom's pool party for her co-workers (and grandchildren-no husbands!) Friday night.
The title of this post was inspired by one of my patients who said it and I just liked it. Apparently her father used to say it all the time. It definitely sums up the week, which forgive me, I am behind in blogging! I'm trying not to stress myself out with this whole blogging-thing but I just don't always get the opportunity to sit and blog every day! (or even every other day!) So once again this week, we will play "catch-up"!!!
First, as promised, I have part II of the Banzai waterslide pictures:

Last Thursday, Michael picked up Tucker from summer school and then picked up his friend William. William is another friend from daycare but was also in Tucker's kindergarten class this year. They went out for lunch and then spent the day at Kid City in Middletown. Which if you haven't been or don't know about it and you have kids, you definitely need to go! They renovated two old houses into this great place that includes a pirate ship, a diner, a post office, a "theater" (where they can dress-up and put on shows, and watch themselves on TV), an apple field, an igloo, etc. etc. Tucker loves it and since we belong to the Children's Museum here in Niantic, we get in FREE to other children's museums so we don't mind going often! For those of you with young kids, like under 3, they have a great play area for them, too! It's all decorated like under-the sea. Here's some pictures of Tucker and William:

After dropping William off at home, Michael and Tucker came to pick me up at work so I could go with them to bring Tucker to my mom's. (Angela, our daycare lady, had taken Thurs and Fri off; Michael watched him Thursday on his day off and my mom was going to watch him Friday). So we brought him to Gra and I would be picking him up on Saturday morning. As usual, they had a great time, I'm told, going to my mom's work and talking with all the ladies. Tucker was apparently impressed with the amount of paper on her desk: "She has more paper than in the history of the world" is what he told me. They also went to the bank where Gra has opened a savings account for him; she gives him a few dollars to deposit and he's so proud to show off the savings book!
Since my mom had Tucker it was the perfect opportunity to get together with Betty and Charlotte, 2 ladies I worked with in Mystic (I've now been gone from there 5 1/2 years). We get together 4 times a year and go out to dinner and the Christmas Tree Shop--well technically 3 times a year because in December we plan it around the Luminaries at Mystic Shopping Village. So anyway, we've been getting together these past 5 1/2 years and for about a year or so before I left that job. It's a lot of fun to catch up with them and just get out for the evening!
Saturday I went and picked up Tucker at my mom's, floated around the pool for about a hour or so (mandatory in this heat!) and then to McDonald's for lunch. Of course it had to be the one with the play area! From there we headed to the mall for a couple of hours. First because it was COOL there and second, because I still need to find a dress AND shoes to wear to the wedding we're going to on August 9th. Other than being really good at procastinating, I'm not sure why I have waited so long. I think I was hoping to lose 20 lbs before I had to try on dresses, which of course, didn't happen. I also think I work well under pressure. I also don't want to spend a lot on a dress that I may not wear again but then again, desperation may set in at this point.
On Sunday, Tucker woke up at 7:30 (yeah, sleep-in time for Mommy and Daddy!) ready to paint. He had found an egg carton in his craft stuff Saturday night and must have been dreaming about it because that's what he wanted to paint and he even knew what colors he wanted to use: blue, red, purple, and black. So I set him up and crawled back into bed for a few more minutes. After grocery shopping and lunch we headed out to Buttonwood Farm in Griswold for their annual Sunflower Festival. When we left our house it was sprinkling and on our way to Griswold, about a thirty minute drive, over by Foxwoods, we went through a complete thunderstorm, with blinding rain, thunder and lightning. It had slowed down when we got there and we got ice cream to enjoy while we waited for them to start the tractor rides. They have this festival every year to raise money for the Make-A-Wish foundation and they have FIELDS of Sunflowers that they sell for $10/bouquet. This is the field across the street from the ice cream stand

I apparently REALLY enjoyed my ice cream because I had it all over the front of my shirt and when I went to the car to get the hand sanitizer to wash it off my hands, I noticed the streaks of it on my legs! Tucker and I also wandered one of the sunflower fields where I took this next picture (he really is happy to be there-he was just not in a picture-kind-of-mood, I guess!)

Finally they decided to start the tractor rides, even though it was sprinkling a little. The guy driving the tractor held an umbrella as he drove. He took us up in the back fields where we saw some cows and the new calves. The cows thought our wagon was a buffet, though:

The cows were all pushing each other to get at this particular back corner of the wagon!
Eventually we came out into the field of sunflowers and it was kind of surreal--they were so beautiful!! Tucker wouldn't cooperate so I had to settle for just the sunflowers! Lastly we went across the street into the field in the first picture. Only after we walked up the hill, across the back of the sunflowers and back down, did Michael see the sign that said: "Please Do Not Enter This Field. Thank you."
OOPS!! Oh well we had fun and will definitely go back for more ice cream, their fall hayrides, and the sunflowers next year! Some more pictures to enjoy:

So that pretty much sums up the past week! A preview of upcoming events include going to see "Mama Mia" with my mom Thursday, getting Michael's new truck hopefully by the end of the week (I'll explain when we get it), and my mom's pool party for her co-workers (and grandchildren-no husbands!) Friday night.
Tuesday, July 22, 2008
One More Thought
I just heard that Estelle Getty , Sophia from the "Golden Girls", passed away today. This was one of my very favorite shows ever. I still watch it whenever I get a chance. In her honor, I have added "Thank you for being a friend" to my playlist...thanks for all the laughs, Estelle, may you rest in peace.
17 years
Today is the 17th anniversary of me and Michael's first date. Well, technically our second first date...the first was in June of '89 when we actually met at A & P. At that time, I had just broken up with a long-term boyfriend and not ready for any type of a relationship. We were friends that very first summer, spending a lot of time hanging out at my parents' and going to the movies.
So back to this anniversary, I had come back to A & P to work for the summer and we started going out. I think we both knew from the beginning that this was a special relationship. Five years later, he would propose to me on this date and we would marry 2 years later (Our 10 year anniversary is coming up in October). It's funny about the word "anniversary": when you're dating someone, you keep track of each month, year, but then you get married and it seems to start all over again, particularly when you've dated as long as we have. It's probably why I always have to say "but we've been together 17 years" when someone asks how long we've been married. (The same way I have to explain that Tucker's name is my maiden name; I can't help myself!)
So here's a little blast from the past that I found while going through some pictures

Aren't we cute?!
I love you, sweetie!!!
So back to this anniversary, I had come back to A & P to work for the summer and we started going out. I think we both knew from the beginning that this was a special relationship. Five years later, he would propose to me on this date and we would marry 2 years later (Our 10 year anniversary is coming up in October). It's funny about the word "anniversary": when you're dating someone, you keep track of each month, year, but then you get married and it seems to start all over again, particularly when you've dated as long as we have. It's probably why I always have to say "but we've been together 17 years" when someone asks how long we've been married. (The same way I have to explain that Tucker's name is my maiden name; I can't help myself!)
So here's a little blast from the past that I found while going through some pictures

Aren't we cute?!
I love you, sweetie!!!
Monday, July 21, 2008
Tucker and Andrew
Andrew did come over yesterday and they had a GREAT time! Tucker and Andrew have been going to Angela's day care for the past 4 years. Tucker started going there when he was 8 weeks old; Andrew came 2 years later at age 3 months. So until this year when Tucker went to kindergarten, they have spent a lot of time together. Andrew is home for the summer with his mommy and new baby sister Emily (Tracy is a fourth grade teacher at Tucker's school). So back to their day together...they had fun playing army, using the Thomas train table, and climbing up on Tucker's bed

They went on the water slide maybe twice. Even though it was only 10 in the morning, it was really HOT, maybe even too hot for the water slide! They especially enjoyed playing in the construction site

The time went by really fast and we're making plans to go Andrew's grandfather's house to swim in August! It was so great to watch them play together; they have always gotten along really well. We're hoping to keep the friendship going....

They went on the water slide maybe twice. Even though it was only 10 in the morning, it was really HOT, maybe even too hot for the water slide! They especially enjoyed playing in the construction site

The time went by really fast and we're making plans to go Andrew's grandfather's house to swim in August! It was so great to watch them play together; they have always gotten along really well. We're hoping to keep the friendship going....
Saturday, July 19, 2008
Come On In, The Water's Fine
This is what Tucker always says when we go to my mom's pool (which we did today, thankfully!) so I thought it would be appropriate for a title. (and yes, the water was fine, 80 degrees. It felt great!!!)
I haven't really been writing as much as I would like but I'm hoping to improve on that! So I'm going to bring you (and me) up-to-date on everything that has gone around here...
We did go over my friend Annie's house last Saturday for a barbecue. There were a lot of kids for Tucker to run around and play with; he especially enjoyed the trampoline. Annie is a friend of mine from work. She's a single mom who adopted a little girl named Natalya from Russia about 4-5 years ago. ( I can't remember how old/young Natalya was at the time, definitely past the baby-baby stage, but she's going to be six in November.) By the time it was time to go to the fireworks, the kids were wearing down and getting cranky. Annie had some legal fireworks to get them in the mood and then we all piled in our cars to drive about a mile down the road to the beach. It was a great night and the fireworks were great, even from the distance we were at!
Tucker finished up swimming lessons this week and loved it, as usual! He's swimming a little by himself now and does great in my mom's pool, particularly liking to float around in his life jacket. He also likes to jump in, which we let him do by himself in the shallow end! It amazes me how tall he is because it just seems like yesterday he could barely touch and now he's head and shoulders above the water and definitely very comfortable walking around! Also he was doing really well today using the face mask, swimming across the width of the shallow end.
Today (Saturday) we went to the library (got caught up on his rewards (2 weeks) for the reading program), went to lunch at McDonald's and then headed to Gra Doyle's (an hour away) so she could watch Tucker while I got my hair cut and permed (20 minutes from her house) then back to get Tucker and then to Gra Tucker's (25 minutes or so from Gra Doyle's) to swim in her pool. Well by then it was five o'clock and we were still enjoying ourselves when my mom came home from a day with her friends at 6:30. She joined us in the pool for a little longer and then we went out for a pizza. By the time I dropped my mom off, got gas, and came home, it was 9:30!! Needless to say, Tucker was asleep and I carried him up to bed. I'm pretty exhausted myself and alas, there's no one to carry me to bed!
Michael is actually at his friend Mark's house in MA for his bachelor party. (He's getting married August 9th). He left with Jeff (the best man from our wedding) at 7:15 AM to be on the golf course by 9:30 AM. After golf, they were going to Mark's for a barbecue and then out to a sports bar tonight for darts. Mark has a pool table, Foosball, and full bar so they could pretty much stay there and be content. So I'm guessing he's having a good time. Of course, he hasn't played golf since before Tucker was born and hasn't played darts since right after Tucker was born. (I actually went into labor on his dart night and he came rushing home to bring me to the hospital at 11:30 PM). For those of you who don't know, Michael had pretty much always played on a dart league since I've known him (19 years this summer); we have two dartboards in our family room but he hasn't really played in years. I'm guessing he'll be pretty worn out tomorrow!
Tucker had some thoughts on the motorcyclists we saw today (we see a lot more, even during the week, because of the high gas prices). First off, he commented that the man should be wearing a helmet because he was going to get a sunburn on the top of his head (he did seem to be lacking in the hair department). Then he wanted to know what he did if he wanted to listen to the radio, worried that he would get stung by the bees, and was concerned that he would get too hot because he doesn't have any A/C!!
Tomorrow we're looking forward to Tucker's friend Andrew coming over (with his mom Tracy and baby sister Emily, who is 4 months old). Andrew is the little boy who's birthday party we went to at the end of June. They're coming over around 10 because we're thinking it will be too hot in the afternoon and Tucker wants to go on the water slide with Andrew. Then it will be off to the grocery store because we never made it there today! And of course the usual Sunday-laundry marathon!
I haven't really been writing as much as I would like but I'm hoping to improve on that! So I'm going to bring you (and me) up-to-date on everything that has gone around here...
We did go over my friend Annie's house last Saturday for a barbecue. There were a lot of kids for Tucker to run around and play with; he especially enjoyed the trampoline. Annie is a friend of mine from work. She's a single mom who adopted a little girl named Natalya from Russia about 4-5 years ago. ( I can't remember how old/young Natalya was at the time, definitely past the baby-baby stage, but she's going to be six in November.) By the time it was time to go to the fireworks, the kids were wearing down and getting cranky. Annie had some legal fireworks to get them in the mood and then we all piled in our cars to drive about a mile down the road to the beach. It was a great night and the fireworks were great, even from the distance we were at!
Tucker finished up swimming lessons this week and loved it, as usual! He's swimming a little by himself now and does great in my mom's pool, particularly liking to float around in his life jacket. He also likes to jump in, which we let him do by himself in the shallow end! It amazes me how tall he is because it just seems like yesterday he could barely touch and now he's head and shoulders above the water and definitely very comfortable walking around! Also he was doing really well today using the face mask, swimming across the width of the shallow end.
Today (Saturday) we went to the library (got caught up on his rewards (2 weeks) for the reading program), went to lunch at McDonald's and then headed to Gra Doyle's (an hour away) so she could watch Tucker while I got my hair cut and permed (20 minutes from her house) then back to get Tucker and then to Gra Tucker's (25 minutes or so from Gra Doyle's) to swim in her pool. Well by then it was five o'clock and we were still enjoying ourselves when my mom came home from a day with her friends at 6:30. She joined us in the pool for a little longer and then we went out for a pizza. By the time I dropped my mom off, got gas, and came home, it was 9:30!! Needless to say, Tucker was asleep and I carried him up to bed. I'm pretty exhausted myself and alas, there's no one to carry me to bed!
Michael is actually at his friend Mark's house in MA for his bachelor party. (He's getting married August 9th). He left with Jeff (the best man from our wedding) at 7:15 AM to be on the golf course by 9:30 AM. After golf, they were going to Mark's for a barbecue and then out to a sports bar tonight for darts. Mark has a pool table, Foosball, and full bar so they could pretty much stay there and be content. So I'm guessing he's having a good time. Of course, he hasn't played golf since before Tucker was born and hasn't played darts since right after Tucker was born. (I actually went into labor on his dart night and he came rushing home to bring me to the hospital at 11:30 PM). For those of you who don't know, Michael had pretty much always played on a dart league since I've known him (19 years this summer); we have two dartboards in our family room but he hasn't really played in years. I'm guessing he'll be pretty worn out tomorrow!
Tucker had some thoughts on the motorcyclists we saw today (we see a lot more, even during the week, because of the high gas prices). First off, he commented that the man should be wearing a helmet because he was going to get a sunburn on the top of his head (he did seem to be lacking in the hair department). Then he wanted to know what he did if he wanted to listen to the radio, worried that he would get stung by the bees, and was concerned that he would get too hot because he doesn't have any A/C!!
Tomorrow we're looking forward to Tucker's friend Andrew coming over (with his mom Tracy and baby sister Emily, who is 4 months old). Andrew is the little boy who's birthday party we went to at the end of June. They're coming over around 10 because we're thinking it will be too hot in the afternoon and Tucker wants to go on the water slide with Andrew. Then it will be off to the grocery store because we never made it there today! And of course the usual Sunday-laundry marathon!
Wednesday, July 16, 2008
Books and Reading
I'm going to borrow this title from Julie because calling it a "meme" just seems odd. (apparently when you participate in one of these blog "tag-you're-it
things", it's called a "meme"). Whatever I'm calling it, I'm SO excited to do this; it's right up my alley!
1. Do you remember how you developed a love for reading? My mother was always reading and I can remember going to the Columbia library to get books every week, as well as taking books out of the school library.
2. What are some books you read as a child? everything by Judy Blume, Laura Ingalls Wilder, Beverly Cleary. I also liked Richard Scarry books (which I have passed down to Tucker). Also Charlotte's Web, The Secret Garden. I was also VERY into Nancy Drew (the books are still in my mom's attic).
3. What is your favorite genre? I'd have to say romance/friendship but NOT harlequin-type. I also like mystery books (Like James Patterson) and true-crime
4. Do you have a favorite novel, favorite series? To Kill a Mockingbird and The Catcher in the Rye are two of my very favorite classics. Otherwise anything by Elizabeth Berg, Anita Shreve, and lately Jodi Picoult. One of my favorite series is the "Flowers in the Attic" series by VC Andrews.
5. Where do you usually read? In bed, on the couch, my favorite place is the deck. Just about anywhere---sometimes standing in the kitchen while waiting for something to cook on the stove.
6. When do you usually read? Whenever I possibly can!
7. Do you have more than one book you are reading at a time? Sometimes, usually when I have a non-fiction book I'm reading (which is a nice segue-way...)
8. Do you read non-fiction in a different way or place than you read fiction? I will usually skip around to what interests me the most and then will sometimes read from the beginning. I'm not particular about the place although depending on the topic, I might wait until Tucker is asleep or engrossed in what he is doing (playing outside, for example) if I really want to concentrate).
9. Do you buy most of the books you read, or borrow them, or check them out of the library? I used to think I needed to own EVERY book I ever read but after moving 5 times (which I know isn't really a LOT), I've scaled down my books. Mostly I try to check books out of the library, although I don't usually get much of a chance to choose books for me so I usually buy books for me at tag sales, Goodwill, etc. (I'm also really bad about returning them on time so it's sort of defeats the purpose; I'm particularly bad with DVDs and they cost more!) We usually check books out of the library for Tucker and then if he REALLY likes the book, I sometimes buy it (remember, I LOVE eBay).
10. Do you keep most of the books you buy? It depends on the book. If I don't feel like it would interest me the second time around, I usually pass it on to goodwill or the used book store.
11. If you have children, what are some of the favor tie books you have shared with them? My Richard Scarry books and we have added to it with other books, too. Also my Sesame Street alphabet books (All the stories/features in the book are focused on that particular letter). Grover's "There's a Monster Hiding at the End of the Book". I'm looking forward to reading the "Charlie and Chocolate Factory" books with him; he likes both the original and new movie versions. (I think we all enjoy the original more, it's called "wonka" in our house!)
12. What are you reading now? I just finished "Rush Home Road". Not sure what I will read next; I picked up a couple of paperbacks last week at a thrift shop so I'll pick one of those.
13. Do you keep a TBR (To Be Read) list? Not only in my head but also on any piece of paper I can find whether it's for me or Tucker.
14. What's next? See #12. I also picked up "the 7 Habits of Highly Effective Families" at the same thrift store so I'll be reading that, too.
15. What books would you like to reread? Nothing in particular at this moment but I usually reread these every year: "I know this much is true" (Wally Lamb), "summer sisters" (Judy Blume), Outer Banks (Anne River Siddons), "Where the heart is" (can't think of the author right now, the one where the girl has her baby in walmart). Also the "Flowers in the Attic" series and "Sweet Audrina" by VC Andrews.
16. Who are you favorite authors? Anita Shreve, Elizabeth Berg, Judy Blume, James Patterson (the mystery ones), Laura Ingalls Wilder, Luanne Rice, Nicholas Sparks, Jan Karon. (these are the ones I can think of off the top of my head)
things", it's called a "meme"). Whatever I'm calling it, I'm SO excited to do this; it's right up my alley!
1. Do you remember how you developed a love for reading? My mother was always reading and I can remember going to the Columbia library to get books every week, as well as taking books out of the school library.
2. What are some books you read as a child? everything by Judy Blume, Laura Ingalls Wilder, Beverly Cleary. I also liked Richard Scarry books (which I have passed down to Tucker). Also Charlotte's Web, The Secret Garden. I was also VERY into Nancy Drew (the books are still in my mom's attic).
3. What is your favorite genre? I'd have to say romance/friendship but NOT harlequin-type. I also like mystery books (Like James Patterson) and true-crime
4. Do you have a favorite novel, favorite series? To Kill a Mockingbird and The Catcher in the Rye are two of my very favorite classics. Otherwise anything by Elizabeth Berg, Anita Shreve, and lately Jodi Picoult. One of my favorite series is the "Flowers in the Attic" series by VC Andrews.
5. Where do you usually read? In bed, on the couch, my favorite place is the deck. Just about anywhere---sometimes standing in the kitchen while waiting for something to cook on the stove.
6. When do you usually read? Whenever I possibly can!
7. Do you have more than one book you are reading at a time? Sometimes, usually when I have a non-fiction book I'm reading (which is a nice segue-way...)
8. Do you read non-fiction in a different way or place than you read fiction? I will usually skip around to what interests me the most and then will sometimes read from the beginning. I'm not particular about the place although depending on the topic, I might wait until Tucker is asleep or engrossed in what he is doing (playing outside, for example) if I really want to concentrate).
9. Do you buy most of the books you read, or borrow them, or check them out of the library? I used to think I needed to own EVERY book I ever read but after moving 5 times (which I know isn't really a LOT), I've scaled down my books. Mostly I try to check books out of the library, although I don't usually get much of a chance to choose books for me so I usually buy books for me at tag sales, Goodwill, etc. (I'm also really bad about returning them on time so it's sort of defeats the purpose; I'm particularly bad with DVDs and they cost more!) We usually check books out of the library for Tucker and then if he REALLY likes the book, I sometimes buy it (remember, I LOVE eBay).
10. Do you keep most of the books you buy? It depends on the book. If I don't feel like it would interest me the second time around, I usually pass it on to goodwill or the used book store.
11. If you have children, what are some of the favor tie books you have shared with them? My Richard Scarry books and we have added to it with other books, too. Also my Sesame Street alphabet books (All the stories/features in the book are focused on that particular letter). Grover's "There's a Monster Hiding at the End of the Book". I'm looking forward to reading the "Charlie and Chocolate Factory" books with him; he likes both the original and new movie versions. (I think we all enjoy the original more, it's called "wonka" in our house!)
12. What are you reading now? I just finished "Rush Home Road". Not sure what I will read next; I picked up a couple of paperbacks last week at a thrift shop so I'll pick one of those.
13. Do you keep a TBR (To Be Read) list? Not only in my head but also on any piece of paper I can find whether it's for me or Tucker.
14. What's next? See #12. I also picked up "the 7 Habits of Highly Effective Families" at the same thrift store so I'll be reading that, too.
15. What books would you like to reread? Nothing in particular at this moment but I usually reread these every year: "I know this much is true" (Wally Lamb), "summer sisters" (Judy Blume), Outer Banks (Anne River Siddons), "Where the heart is" (can't think of the author right now, the one where the girl has her baby in walmart). Also the "Flowers in the Attic" series and "Sweet Audrina" by VC Andrews.
16. Who are you favorite authors? Anita Shreve, Elizabeth Berg, Judy Blume, James Patterson (the mystery ones), Laura Ingalls Wilder, Luanne Rice, Nicholas Sparks, Jan Karon. (these are the ones I can think of off the top of my head)
Monday, July 14, 2008
Watch Children
While at the Flea Market yesterday, someone had road signs for sale (I'm sure obtained legally?!) and I saw a cute one that said "Watch Children" I asked Tucker what he thought and he said "I don't want a child watching me!" Tucker did manage to score a pretty nice GI Joe box (like a small locker) FILLED with Army men (and a stray dinosaur and scuba driver).
A special thank you to Gra Doyle who came down early this morning to take Tucker to summer school because Michael had to work at 8 AM (normally she would pick him up at 11:30 (Tucker, that is) or be at the house then for Michael to be at work by noon). The report from school today was that his teacher said he (again Tucker)was a "very good boy" and a "good artist". Cassandra also came down and they had a good time playing Nerf darts, among other things, I'm told.
I'm not even sure that last paragraph makes sense but I don't have the energy to correct it.
A special thank you to Gra Doyle who came down early this morning to take Tucker to summer school because Michael had to work at 8 AM (normally she would pick him up at 11:30 (Tucker, that is) or be at the house then for Michael to be at work by noon). The report from school today was that his teacher said he (again Tucker)was a "very good boy" and a "good artist". Cassandra also came down and they had a good time playing Nerf darts, among other things, I'm told.
I'm not even sure that last paragraph makes sense but I don't have the energy to correct it.
Sunday, July 13, 2008
Happy Birthday, Gramma Bilts
Today is my Gramma Bilts birthday---she would have been 84. She passed away May 27th, 2007. She had some medical issues for the past few years and then was diagnosed with lung cancer in March of 2007. It was a fast-spreading cancer and when they followed up after initially finding it, they recommended not treating it due her age and other medical conditions. These pictures were taken (from L-R), on her 80th in 2004 and in 2006 when we surprised her with a cake on the 4th of July. My mom and usually took her to Leventi's for Fish and Chips and then we shared a strawberry shortcake cake between the 3 of us.
I had a very special relationship with my grandmother and in a lot of ways, she was like a "third parent". I called her almost every day when I was growing up and spent every Saturday night with her from when I was a baby to about the age of 12 (My mom says that it initially started because she and my dad would have a "date night"). Who wouldn't want to go there, I slept on her fold-out couch and got to watch "Love Boat" and "Fantasy Island". (Okay so I never actually made it through "Fantasy Island" but I could have watched it if I wanted to!) Even now I often reach for the phone to tell her something Tucker said or did and have to remind myself that she's gone. She could be a stubborn woman at times but she always wanted what was best for her family and worked hard to take care of everyone. I think I miss her smile the most. In honor of her I have added "ko-ko-mo" to my playlist because when ever I hear it, I think of her singing it while eating an ice cream cone.
This was a picture of her and Tucker on 2005 that I put in a greatgrandmother frame for her.

I miss you, Gram! Happy birthday!
Saturday, July 12, 2008
Family Fun Day/Observations
Today we headed out to complete our usual array of Saturday errands (Target, the post office, the library) but we also went to the 1st Summer Family Fun Day in Old Lyme , which was held in the parking lot of the plaza where Michael works (truthfully, if he didn't work there we probably wouldn't have known about/even gone in the first place). We went around 2 because that was when he was going to be outside at it. It consisted mainly of 4 or 5 bouncers/obstacle courses and a poor pony that was giving rides under a tent (which still must have been pretty hot for him). Apparently before we arrived, there was food and water being sold by the Lions Club. The kids "running" it were volunteer high schoolers who were pretty much just listening to their ipods or texting each other. There was one kid on the bungee cord thing that Michael tried that actually did seem to be enjoying himself and playing with the kids. It wasn't really that crowded and for some reason, they had it spread across the top of the entire parking lot. I think everyone must have been at the beach; we drove by Rocky Heck to get there and they had the entrance closed with a sign that said Park Full. Here are some pictures of Michael hanging out with Tucker, getting paid to man the bouncer 
Tucker enjoying a bouncer

Tucker and Michael competing in the bungee cord "race"

Tucker climbing and then sliding down a bouncer

(For some reason there's an extra picture of Michael and Tucker and I can't figure out how to make it go way---sorry about that!)
Some observations by Tucker today:
-When making cookies this morning (don't be too impressed, they were the break-apart ones from Nestle, he asked me if bees like eat chocolate chip cookies. I told them that they might because the chocolate might be sweet like nectar. His response was that they can only suck the nectar out of flowers and they MUST (his emphasis) bring it back to the Queen and besides they don't have teeth. (Sometimes I think he just asks questions to let let me know that he knows the correct answer!)
-I pulled up to a red light and apparently he didn't like that I went over the white line so I had to back up (he is quite the little back-seat driver!) Then the car next to me did the same thing and he told me "I think they want to race, Mommy. You better pull back up, we can't let them have a head start!"
-We drove by York in Niantic (the women's prison; or rather the "correctional facility") and he asked me why it was just for women and I said because they have to keep the men and women separated. His response: "Yes because otherwise they might fight and someone could get hurt". (out of the mouths of babes, I tell you).
-He asked me to read a banner to him that said "white elephant sale". When I read to him, he laughed and said "that's silly, Mommy, there's no such thing as a white elephant and if there was why would someone want to buy it?"
My favorite observation of the day was that "And We Danced" by The Hooters apparently makes Star Wars and Indiana Jones figures stop fighting and start dancing (actually anything by The Hooters apparently will work but "And We Danced" really gets it going, which I guess would be appropriate!
I guess this makes me realize (not for the first time) that sometimes it really is just the simple things around you that are important which is actually pretty relevant today considering it is Simplicity Day named in honor of Henry David Thoreau's birthday to remind us to simplify our lives. (before I go to the library each week, I try to find out what "holidays" there are that week and try to get books around those themes; in doing so, I discovered it is Simplicity Day!)
Tonight we are off to my friend Annie's house in Groton for a barbeque and then to Fort Griswold to watch the Sailfest fireworks (it's much easier to watch from the "Gronton-side" so you don't have to deal with the crowds). After the fireworks we'll probably go back to Annie's while the traffic settles down.

Tucker enjoying a bouncer

Tucker and Michael competing in the bungee cord "race"

Tucker climbing and then sliding down a bouncer

(For some reason there's an extra picture of Michael and Tucker and I can't figure out how to make it go way---sorry about that!)
Some observations by Tucker today:
-When making cookies this morning (don't be too impressed, they were the break-apart ones from Nestle, he asked me if bees like eat chocolate chip cookies. I told them that they might because the chocolate might be sweet like nectar. His response was that they can only suck the nectar out of flowers and they MUST (his emphasis) bring it back to the Queen and besides they don't have teeth. (Sometimes I think he just asks questions to let let me know that he knows the correct answer!)
-I pulled up to a red light and apparently he didn't like that I went over the white line so I had to back up (he is quite the little back-seat driver!) Then the car next to me did the same thing and he told me "I think they want to race, Mommy. You better pull back up, we can't let them have a head start!"
-We drove by York in Niantic (the women's prison; or rather the "correctional facility") and he asked me why it was just for women and I said because they have to keep the men and women separated. His response: "Yes because otherwise they might fight and someone could get hurt". (out of the mouths of babes, I tell you).
-He asked me to read a banner to him that said "white elephant sale". When I read to him, he laughed and said "that's silly, Mommy, there's no such thing as a white elephant and if there was why would someone want to buy it?"
My favorite observation of the day was that "And We Danced" by The Hooters apparently makes Star Wars and Indiana Jones figures stop fighting and start dancing (actually anything by The Hooters apparently will work but "And We Danced" really gets it going, which I guess would be appropriate!
I guess this makes me realize (not for the first time) that sometimes it really is just the simple things around you that are important which is actually pretty relevant today considering it is Simplicity Day named in honor of Henry David Thoreau's birthday to remind us to simplify our lives. (before I go to the library each week, I try to find out what "holidays" there are that week and try to get books around those themes; in doing so, I discovered it is Simplicity Day!)
Tonight we are off to my friend Annie's house in Groton for a barbeque and then to Fort Griswold to watch the Sailfest fireworks (it's much easier to watch from the "Gronton-side" so you don't have to deal with the crowds). After the fireworks we'll probably go back to Annie's while the traffic settles down.
Tuesday, July 8, 2008
It has been crazy-humid and hot here lately (I know it's July in CT, What AM I thinking?!) so Tucker and I headed out Saturday amongst our other errands to get a water slide. We went to Walmart and Toys r us and alas, no water slides plus a major detour for a 20 inch water pipe break that caused a 15 ft sinkhole in the road , thankfully at 1 am because this is a major road; It ended up being closed through the weekend and opened again last night around 7). So we came home and went on-line and found an awesome water slide on eBay express (no surprise there, I am the eBay QUEEN after all!!). It came today and Michael attempted to get it going so Tucker could try it out after swim lessons tonight (and then he had a bath so he was a little water-logged). Anyway, I think we got it going enough so Tucker could play a little but Michael was trying to also cook chicken on the grill and I was making Mac & cheese and peas for dinner. Michael will work more on it on Thursday, his day off. Here Michael is blowing up the "inflatable body board" that came with it and Tucker is directing...To be continued

I also wanted to mention the exciting news that I actually own a coffee table in my living room! For as long as I can remember, or at least as long as Tucker's been alive, the coffee table has been sort of a plethora (always like to use that word when I can) of toy parts, books, crayons, etc. Well, Eileen (my mother-in-law) cleaned off when she was here yesterday. I don't think I've seen it cleaned off since we got it when we got the house in 2000! Coincidentally, or maybe not, Eileen and Louie (Michael's grandfather who died in 2001, gave us the table!
Tucker started summer school Monday and was happy to see a couple of familiar faces in his class. He's been having a hard time mastering the sight words and demonstrating confidence in what he does know; he's always concerned that he will give the wrong answer. We continue to read to him every night and try to encourage him to read out loud to us. His writing has come along through the year and his best subject seems to be math; he's always counting EVERYTHING and we just read a book last night called "One is a Snail, Ten is a Crab" where you count the number of feet/legs to count to one hundred (for example, 100 could be 10 crabs or 5 crabs and 25 people-crabs have 10 legs, including their claws and people have two legs). It's a really great book!
I will update with some pictures of the water slide once Michael gets it working better. By the way, the reason the title of this post is Banzai is because the name of the water slide is "Banzai something, something water slide".

I also wanted to mention the exciting news that I actually own a coffee table in my living room! For as long as I can remember, or at least as long as Tucker's been alive, the coffee table has been sort of a plethora (always like to use that word when I can) of toy parts, books, crayons, etc. Well, Eileen (my mother-in-law) cleaned off when she was here yesterday. I don't think I've seen it cleaned off since we got it when we got the house in 2000! Coincidentally, or maybe not, Eileen and Louie (Michael's grandfather who died in 2001, gave us the table!
Tucker started summer school Monday and was happy to see a couple of familiar faces in his class. He's been having a hard time mastering the sight words and demonstrating confidence in what he does know; he's always concerned that he will give the wrong answer. We continue to read to him every night and try to encourage him to read out loud to us. His writing has come along through the year and his best subject seems to be math; he's always counting EVERYTHING and we just read a book last night called "One is a Snail, Ten is a Crab" where you count the number of feet/legs to count to one hundred (for example, 100 could be 10 crabs or 5 crabs and 25 people-crabs have 10 legs, including their claws and people have two legs). It's a really great book!
I will update with some pictures of the water slide once Michael gets it working better. By the way, the reason the title of this post is Banzai is because the name of the water slide is "Banzai something, something water slide".
Saturday, July 5, 2008
The Parade
Okay so I'm a day behind getting to this post...
We went to the Columbia parade this year versus the Boom Box Parade in Willimantic. We decided we needed a change of pace from the political organizations. It was a great parade complete with firetrucks...

This Columbia one was only the first of many. they came from Lebanon, Mansfield, North Windham and South Windham, Windham Center, Scotland, North Coventry, and Bolton. (These are the ones I can remember!) Of course they were ALL ready to aim their hoses at the crowds, particularly anyone with squirtguns (there was 1 group of 4 kids across from us that couldn't have been more than 4 or 5 not to mention the group of teenage guys who went by with literally an arsenal of squirt guns!!) At least the umbrellas we all had did come in handy! When we got there it was sprinkling pretty steadily if that makes any sense and at one point the sun did try to come out.
There were a lot of interesting groups--motorcycles, the shriners in their little cars, clowns (I think they were another group of Shriners), 2 fife and drum corps (both complete with rifle shooting-the first all at once and the second one at a time which was actually a lot cooler!) There were even two different bagpipers groups!

Before the parade even started ( we got there at 8:30 to find parking for the 10 am parade), Michael and I walked with Tucker to the playground at Porter (where I went; it was and still is K-8 but it has tripled in size). In fact what I remember as the playground is where the addition of the building went in a number of years ago and there's also a baseball diamond and soccer field. (for at least two of you who may be reading this, the stone wall and tree line is gone, they extended back into the field that was there. Also the "junior high wing" is not as prominent. The trees are all gone on the side and there's a path leading to the track and around to the front. Also for the two of you, I went onto the Porter website and Mrs. Campbell is still teaching 2nd grade, and Mrs. Bouchain (I think she was Zaglio for you, Jenn) is still there and is back to Ms. Zaglio. Anyway it was kind of surreal to see how much everything had changed; you know how you picture things from the past and then you go back and it looks nothing like you remember because they changed everything!?
So the parade was great and we will be going back again next year, though probably not as early! We then went to my mom's for a picnic and to celebrate her birthday (it's actually June 28th). The sun never really came out but at least it didn't rain so Tucker, our niece Cassandra and her boyfriend Eric spent a lot of time in the pool and we even got a few games of croquet in!
Doreen gave us some sparklers but because I was the only one still AWAKE at 8:30 when it got dark, I didn't think it would be much fun by myself. So that was our fun day...what was your day like?
We went to the Columbia parade this year versus the Boom Box Parade in Willimantic. We decided we needed a change of pace from the political organizations. It was a great parade complete with firetrucks...

This Columbia one was only the first of many. they came from Lebanon, Mansfield, North Windham and South Windham, Windham Center, Scotland, North Coventry, and Bolton. (These are the ones I can remember!) Of course they were ALL ready to aim their hoses at the crowds, particularly anyone with squirtguns (there was 1 group of 4 kids across from us that couldn't have been more than 4 or 5 not to mention the group of teenage guys who went by with literally an arsenal of squirt guns!!) At least the umbrellas we all had did come in handy! When we got there it was sprinkling pretty steadily if that makes any sense and at one point the sun did try to come out.
There were a lot of interesting groups--motorcycles, the shriners in their little cars, clowns (I think they were another group of Shriners), 2 fife and drum corps (both complete with rifle shooting-the first all at once and the second one at a time which was actually a lot cooler!) There were even two different bagpipers groups!

Before the parade even started ( we got there at 8:30 to find parking for the 10 am parade), Michael and I walked with Tucker to the playground at Porter (where I went; it was and still is K-8 but it has tripled in size). In fact what I remember as the playground is where the addition of the building went in a number of years ago and there's also a baseball diamond and soccer field. (for at least two of you who may be reading this, the stone wall and tree line is gone, they extended back into the field that was there. Also the "junior high wing" is not as prominent. The trees are all gone on the side and there's a path leading to the track and around to the front. Also for the two of you, I went onto the Porter website and Mrs. Campbell is still teaching 2nd grade, and Mrs. Bouchain (I think she was Zaglio for you, Jenn) is still there and is back to Ms. Zaglio. Anyway it was kind of surreal to see how much everything had changed; you know how you picture things from the past and then you go back and it looks nothing like you remember because they changed everything!?
So the parade was great and we will be going back again next year, though probably not as early! We then went to my mom's for a picnic and to celebrate her birthday (it's actually June 28th). The sun never really came out but at least it didn't rain so Tucker, our niece Cassandra and her boyfriend Eric spent a lot of time in the pool and we even got a few games of croquet in!
Doreen gave us some sparklers but because I was the only one still AWAKE at 8:30 when it got dark, I didn't think it would be much fun by myself. So that was our fun day...what was your day like?
Thursday, July 3, 2008
Happy Fourth of July!
I'm doing this tonight because we have to leave early tomorrow morning to get to my mom's for the parade in Columbia.

Gra Doyle has resumed watching Tucker on Mondays for the summer. This past Monday, they drew flags. I think I like Tucker's version so much it should be the "new" flag!
I hope you all have a safe, fun holiday (and weekend)!

Gra Doyle has resumed watching Tucker on Mondays for the summer. This past Monday, they drew flags. I think I like Tucker's version so much it should be the "new" flag!
I hope you all have a safe, fun holiday (and weekend)!
Tuesday, July 1, 2008
Beginning swimming and ending tee-ball
Tonight was a busy night!!! Tucker had his first swimming lesson of the summer and he did pretty good! He's so excited to get back in the pool. He is heading to Gra Tucker's tomorrow night (our daycare is off on Thursday; he'll stay over until the 4th) and besides the expected pizza for dinner, is looking forward to going in the pool.
From swimming lessons, we sped across town to our tee-ball pizza party. We went to the picnic area in town. We split the cost of pizzas with the other coach and had 2 pizzas too much! But the kids had a good time running around and were thrilled with their trophies and certificates! The kids all signed a baseball for Michael and the other coach which was so nice!!! Most of them will play soccer in the fall and also move up to the minor leagues next spring. They are a really great group of kids so the season ending is bittersweet! Michael enjoyed his first season coaching and I my first experience as the "Team Mom" but also at the same time glad the season is over!
I'm still having trouble getting this available on the web...hopefully it will be soon!!!
From swimming lessons, we sped across town to our tee-ball pizza party. We went to the picnic area in town. We split the cost of pizzas with the other coach and had 2 pizzas too much! But the kids had a good time running around and were thrilled with their trophies and certificates! The kids all signed a baseball for Michael and the other coach which was so nice!!! Most of them will play soccer in the fall and also move up to the minor leagues next spring. They are a really great group of kids so the season ending is bittersweet! Michael enjoyed his first season coaching and I my first experience as the "Team Mom" but also at the same time glad the season is over!
I'm still having trouble getting this available on the web...hopefully it will be soon!!!
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