Monday, September 14, 2009

My Daybook

On My Mind...when I just came down here, the first thing that came up on the computer was that Patrick Swayze died. I am so saddened to hear that...pancreatic cancer is one of the worst cancers and he really fought a long in peace, Patrick.
Outside My's dark and it was a little warmer today. It's been feeling like Fall around here lately and I love it!

What we're Reading...finished The Time Traveler's Wife and am now reading Lucky One by Nicholas Sparks. With Tucker, we read Mercy Watson princess in disguise, Two Bobbies, Henry and Mudge The Tumbling Trip, The Dog Who Called The Signals, and Henry and Mudge The Tall Tree.

What we're Listening to...Two more discs to go on Lady Elizabeth (still working on the poem!)

What we're Watching...with all the new shows starting, I've decided to add this. Always love So You Think You Can Dance and can't wait for Survivor and Extreme Makeover: Home Edition to start this week. Tucker and I are still watching Jon & Kate but it's just not the same.

I am get back into gear and keep up on my daily photo blog!

Quotable honor of Patrick Swayze, I've got to go with Nobody puts Baby in the corner.

A Funny Thing...when I picked Tucker up from William's Saturday night, he wanted William to stay over and it didn't make sense because it was 8:00 at night and I knew they would just come home and go to bed. So on the way home, I told Tucker I didn't like being put on the spot like that. This led him to mutter "what spot? There was no spot involved, I just wanted William to sleep over". Two additional comments: we got home at 8:15 and Tucker was asleep in his bed by 8:40 and William is coming over this weekend.

In The Kitchen...tacos, BLTs, beef stroganoff, and spaghetti and meatballs.

Around the House...laundry waiting to be folded...actually pretty neat right now.

Coming Up This Week...Michael's on vacation the rest of the practice tomorrow night...a home house at Tucker's school Thurs night...dinner and Christmas Tree Shop with my friends Betty and Charlotte Fri night...Yale Art Museum with my friend Joan on Sat...Tucker has a soccer game Sat...William's coming over Sat and sleeping over...maybe a corn maze on sun...Michael's going to the U2 concert with Jeff Sun night.

Some picture thoughts....more from the soccer game (I guess I didn't take a lot of pictures last week!

1 comment:

Julie said...

I feel terrible about Patrick Swayze too!

That's funny about Tucker and "there's no spot involved!" that is definitely a common kid/parent issue, no parent wants to be asked that with the kids right there and no kid understands that!