Saturday, April 11, 2009

Easter Egg Hunt and Coloring Eggs

Today Tucker and I went to the Easter Egg Hunt at the nursing home where I work. They had 1000, yes you read that right: 1000, plastic eggs filled with candy. Only about 10 kids showed up because the weather wasn't so nice and truthfully they had barely come back in when it started raining! Tucker had a good time gathering all the eggs he could and filled two baskets!

Finding some behind the bushes

There were some right out in the open...

He kept busy finding them all...

Along the windowsills...

After he was done collecting the plastic eggs, we had to empty them of all the candy.

He got quite a lot of candy-it actually overflowed the blue bucket when we put it in there!

When we got home, it was time to color the Easter eggs. Tucker is always very quick at doing this!

The finished products--for some reason, we always end up with one egg a different color!


Mari said...

Looks like Tucker had a great day!. The egg hunt is a winning situation. The residents love to watch and the kids like to hunt!

Tiffany said...

I would say that he had a dream day as a kid! An egg hunt with a 1000 eggs and virtually no competition--I'm sure he had a blast. His dyed eggs are pretty!

Julie said...

At church we had 750 and when we were leaving I heard one girl say "out of 750 eggs, I only got 12!" Tucker really made out!