On My Mind...my cousin's son, Nick, who is in Bridgeport Trauma Center. (I think he's 23). He was working on his girlfriend's car Saturday and the car fell on him and dragged him about 100 feet before they could stop it. He has lost one of his ears in addition to all the scrapes he endured...an update on our family friend who fell off the ladder : he's now at Gaylord, which is a sub acute, intensive rehab center in CT. He came out of the coma about 2 weeks ago but still has a lot of residual damage. The part of the brain affected controls memory and impulse control. Please keep both of them in your thoughts and prayers.
Outside My Window...it's a really nice day; this week is supposed to be in the 50s, 60s.
What We're Reading...Still working on An Old-Fashioned Girl. With Tucker, we're still reading The Magician's Elephant, in addition to his regular nightly reading. His favorites this week were: Lincoln's Two Boys and Creaky Old House. As part of a Reading Incentive at school, Tucker is reading books to be in the Reading Hall of Fame and has to read different types of books (Caldecott Medals, biography, poetry, non-fiction, and magazine articles). Toward this, he read a biography (Lincoln's Two Boys) and a Caldecot Medal book (Frog Went A Courtin')
What We're Listening to...finished The Deep Blue Sea for Beginners and need to get a new book!
What We're Watching...the same. It's a three-way toss-up between Joanna, Kellie, and Mya on DWTS. Mya was AMAZING last night! I wouldn't be disappointed if Donny or Aaron are eliminated. Still not sure who I like Survivor. On Amazing Race, I like Meghan and Cheyene (sp?).
I am hoping... that my back gets better. I pulled something in my lower back yesterday and am having a lot of spasms and difficulty walking. I stayed home from work today because I'm having a hard time walking. I went to the chiropractor last night and will be going back this afternoon.
Quotable Quote...(in honor of Veteran's Day tomorrow) The liberties of our country, the freedom of our civil Constitution, are worth defending at all hazards; and it is our duty to defend them against all attacks. We have received them as a fair inheritance from our worthy ancestors: they purchased them for us with toil and danger and expense of treasure and blood, and transmitted them to us with care and diligence. It will bring an everlasting mark of infamy on the present generation, enlightened as it is, if we should suffer them to be wrested from us by violence without a struggle, or to be cheated out of them by the artifices of false and designing men. ~ Samuel Adams
In The Kitchen...had all kinds of plans for new recipes but may have to change that because I can't stand long. I'll probably rely on the old standbys.
Around the house...laundry needs to be folded and the house could definitely use some attention!
Coming Up This Week...our first week without soccer!!...a home visit Thurs...Tucker's getting a haircut Thurs...Cub Scout Pack Meeting Thurs...Sleep-over at Battleship Cove with the Cub Scouts Sat-Sun...possibly beginning indoor soccer on Sun.
Some Picture Thoughts...I didn't get a chance to post about Tucker's last soccer game so here are some pictures!
Some game shots!
This is Tucker's good friend , Mason
The coach's son, Colin, was the assistant and the kids had a good time playing with him!
This was the third year Tucker and Gino have been on the same team! We're hoping for four-in-a-row!
1 comment:
Great pictures!
I think Mya is going to win the whole thing. I still like Donny, I'm ready for Aaron to go home!
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