For today...Wednesday, March 2, 2011 (Dr. Seuss Day)
On My Mind...Since I last posted, we did end up getting a new camera because there were just too many issues with the Nikon. I did get the Canon Power Shot and have been pretty happy with it so far...I realize I haven't been on here lately but I just haven't felt very motivated to say anything. Anyone else ever feel like that? I usually want to do my Daybook but somehow don't get to it on Monday and then it just gets later in the week (like this week) and I wonder "why bother?"
Outside My window...it's very windy...today was actually a nice day, the sun was out and it was one of those crisp winter days that are so great!
What We're Reading...I have given up on A Tale of Two Cities and moved on to One of Ours by Willa Cather. I am really enjoying it; I have never read anything by her and I may need to read some more by her!...I finished reading Fantastic Mr. Fox, which Tucker recommended after reading it with his class. I thought it was great!...with Tucker, we are finishing up The Journal of James Edmund Pease (the historical fiction book for his Reading Hall of Fame at school. Then he just needs to read two poems and two magazine articles and he'll be done!)
What we're Listening to...I'm finished with 20, 000 Leagues Under the Sea and am now listening to The Kite Runner, which I have wanted to read for awhile.
What We're Watching...really enjoying American Idol this year and it's only just started! Although none of the girls I liked made it through and I like most of the guys!...Phillip needs to take a hike on Survivor and I've about had it with the gaggle of girls who follow Rob around...not sure who to root for on Amazing Race because I like so many of them! Glad the cowboys got it together because I am partial to them!...Also watching Undercover Boss, Glee, and Harry's Law...Of course, Tucker and I don't miss any Uconn women's games...still enjoying History and Discovery channels.
I am hoping...to catch up on my sleep soon!
In the Kitchen...ham steaks, chicken with risotto, not sure what else.
Around the house...laundry to be folded, more to be washed...Tucker told me not to clean this weekend "because all you ever do is clean the house"; I thought this was pretty funny because I don't and my house definitely needs all the help it can get!...I'm thinking it may be time for a good clean out. There are so many toys that Tucker doesn't even play with any more; it's convincing him we can get rid of them that's the problem!
Coming Up This Week...soccer game Friday night...tryouts for Majors on Sat (no we don't think he's quite ready but it will give him an idea of what is expected when he is ready. More than likely he'll remain in Minors.) ...going to see Rango either Sat or Sun (Tucker and I have been looking forward to this since we first saw the preview!)
A Picture Thought...
1 comment:
I like the guys much better than the girls on American Idol!!! There was something else I was going to comment on and now I forgot!! I think that means I better go to bed!
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